Access Token

When using the Zenlayer APIs or command line, you can use an access token as an alternative to an access key for authentication with Zenlayer Cloud.

An access token, also referred to as a "token," is a piece of data, often in the form of a string, that serves as a digital credential. It is used to authenticate and authorize an entity, such as a user, application, or system, to access specific resources or perform certain actions in a secure environment.

A token mainly includes information about the entity's identity, permissions, and expiration time and is securely transmitted to validate requests.

Create a Token


Go to zenConsole > > Member & Permission > Authentication > Token > Create Token.


Configure your token

  1. Select the owner of your token. If no desired member, click Invite New Member to add a member.

  2. Label your token. Please note that the token name cannot be changed after creation.

  3. Configure the lifetime of your token. 7/30/60/90 days and customized time range are available. You can also set a long-lived token, but we recommend to set an expiration date for your token to improve security.

  4. Click Create to generate a token.


Save your token

Copy and securely store the token just created locally.



In the token list page, you can view basic information of your token. Support editing the token's lifetime.

Use a Token

After creating a token, you can authenticate requests by including the token in the Authorization header of your request.

The following is an example of using cURL to access the DescribeInstances API of Bare Metal:

export ACCESS_TOKEN="your_user_access_token"

curl \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -H "X-ZC-Action: DescribeInstances" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -d '{
       "pageNum": 1,
       "pageSize": 2

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