
1. API Description

This interface is used to modify the referer access control policy for the accelerated domain.


  • This is an asynchronous interface. After the interface returns success, the operation of creating the accelerated domain has not been completed immediately. During this period, the status of the accelerated domain will be Deploying. You can check the status of the accelerated domain by calling the DescribeCdnDomains interface. If the status of the accelerated domain (domainStatus) changes from Deploying to Deployed, it means the deployment was successful; Failed indicates that the configuration failed.

2. Request Parameters

The following list of request parameters includes only those required by the interface:

3. Output Parameterss

4. Code Example

  1. Modify the Referer Access Control Policy of the Accelerated Domain

Content-Type: application/json
X-ZC-Action: # ModifyDomainRefererAcl
<Common Request Params>

    "domainId": "domainIdxxxxx",
    "refererAcl": {
        "enable": true,
        "type": "white",
        "allowEmptyReferer": true,
        "allowNoReferer": true,
        "refererDomains": [

    "requestId": "TEEFDCA5B-76FB-4E91-A18E-DF7F5D2CE41F",

5. Error Codes

The following includes error codes encountered in business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

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