Customer Management

Go to Customers > Customer Management to manage your customers.

Customer List

Column HeaderDescription

Customer account

The name of your customer, that is usually the email address.

Team name

The name of the team that the customer belongs to.

Team type

3 kinds of team types:

  • Default team: The team whose registration has not been completed or whose email address has not been verified;

  • Individual team: The team logged in with a personal account, that is setting the individual billing information when creating an account;

  • Enterprise team: The team logged in with an enterprise account that is setting the enterprise billing information when creating an account.

Internal Customer ID

ID of the customer to identify.


Balance that the customer owned.


Credits that the customer owned.

Company name

The company name of the enterprise. Only available for the Enterprise team.


  • ON: Enable the customer. The customer with the state of ON can log in to the console.

  • OFF: Disable the customer. The customer with the state of OFF cannot log in to the console.


You can add a tag to your customer to identify.

Registration time

The registration time of the customer.


Other operations you can conduct on your customer:

  • Manage Balance: Refill or deduct customer's account balance.

  • Manage Credits: Set customer's credits. See Manage Customer Credits for more details.

  • Set Tag: Set customer's tag to identify.

  • Reset Password: Reset password if your customer forgot the password. See Reset Password for more details.

  • Billing Details: View the billing details of the current customer.

Customer Details

Click the name of customer account to view the details.


You can edit the basic information of your customer.

Reset Password

  1. Click Generate New Password and a random password will be generated.

  2. Copy the new password and click Confirm New Password.

  3. Send the new password to your customer, and your customer can use this new password to log in to the console.

Manage Customer Credits

All customers share the total credits on your platform. You can contact us to set your total credits. The amount in the picture is for illustration only.

  1. Enter or select the amount you want to grant.

  2. Click Confirm.

For example, here you grant $20 credits to the selected customer, whose target credit will turn to $20. Your credits left will become $50 ($70-$20) now and you can grant them to other customers.

New Customers

You can invite or create new customers.

Invite Customer

  1. Click Invite Customer and copy the link.

  2. Send the link to your customer who will register via your link.

Create Customer

Click New Customer Account and create the account for your customer.

Last updated