When should I consider using HTTP 301 Redirect?

You should consider using an HTTP 301 redirect when you need to redirect HTTP 80 protocol URLs to HTTPS 443 protocol URLs to enhance website security.


  • You accelerate domain names.

  • You have configured acceleration rules of HTTP 80 and HTTPS 443 ports enabled.

If you are transitioning from HTTP to HTTPS for security reasons, use 301 redirects to ensure that all traffic is directed to the secure version of your site. It serves several important purposes related to security:

  1. Data Encryption: HTTPS provides data encryption, ensuring that any information exchanged between a user's browser and the web server is secured. This is crucial for protecting sensitive data, such as login credentials, payment details, and personal information.

  2. Data Integrity: HTTPS helps maintain the integrity of data during transmission. It prevents unauthorized tampering or alterations of data by ensuring that the data received by the user is the same as what was sent by the server.

  3. Authentication: HTTPS employs SSL/TLS certificates to authenticate the identity of the website. When users see the padlock icon in their browser's address bar, they can trust that they are connecting to the genuine website, not an imposter.

  4. Preventing Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: By using HTTPS, you reduce the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks, where malicious actors intercept and eavesdrop on the communication between the user and the web server.

  5. Search Engine Ranking: Major search engines like Google prioritize websites with HTTPS in their search rankings. A secure website can improve your site's visibility and SEO performance.

  6. Browser Warnings: Modern web browsers often display warnings for non-secure HTTP websites, discouraging users from visiting them. A 301 redirect to HTTPS helps avoid these warnings and provides a better user experience.

Last updated