Create a Security Group
You can set your security group rules for your instances on zenConsole to improve the network security. The security group applies to public network access to your instances.
Go to Security Group > Create Security Group.
Select a a global VPC that the security group will be deployed on.
Configure the inbound and outbound rules
Item Description Priority
A smaller value indicates a higher priority. Valid values: 1 to 999.
Allow: allows access requests on a specific port. Deny: denies access requests on a specific port.
The protocol type of the security group rule. Valid values: All/TCP/UDP/ICMP-IPv4/ICMP-IPv6
Port range
You can specify a port range when Protocol Type is set as TCP or UDP. The value ranges from 1 to 65535. You can specify single port numbers separated with a comma (for example, 80 indicating port 80; 20,30,40 indicating port 20, port 30, and port 40), or range of port numbers (for example, 4000-4200 indicating ports from 4000 to 4200). The value "All" cannot be set separately, indicating that the port is not restricted.
Source/ Destination
Configure the host IP addresses of source and destination. Example: or ::/0 indicates all IP addresses are allowed.
Delete the rule.
Label your security group.
Commonly used port explanations are shown as follows:
Protocol | Port | Description |
ICMP | -1/-1 | The ICMP port. It is used to ping instances through the Internet for network management and debugging. |
SSH | 22 | The SSH port. It is used to remote access to Linux instances. |
Telnet | 23 | The Telnet port. It is used to log in to instances. |
HTTP | 80 | The HTTP port. Use a VM instance as a Web server. |
HTTPS | 443 | The HTTPS port. It is used to access web services. HTTPS protocol is encrypted and secured. |
SQL Server | 1433 | The TCP port of SQL Server. It is used for MySQL to provide external services. |
Oracle | 1521 | The Oracle communication port. If your instances run Oracle SQL, you need to open this port. |
MySQL | 3306 | The MySQL port. It is used for MySQL to provide external services. |
Windows Remote Desktop | 3389 | The Windows Server Remote Desktop Services (RDP) port. It is used to log in to Windows instances. |
PostgreSQL | 5432 | The PostgreSQL port. It is for PostgreSQL to provide external services. |
Redis | 6379 | The Redis port. It is used for Redis to provide external services. |
Port | Source IP | Description |
-1/-1 | | Allow access from private IP range |
-1/-1 | | Allow access from private IP range |
-1/-1 | | Allow access from private IP range |
Typical applications of commonly used ports are shown as follows:
Scenario | Rule direction | Authorization policy | Protocol type | Port range | Authorization type | Authorization object | Priority |
Remote access to Linux instances through SSH | Inbound | Allow | SSH (22) | 22/22 | Address field access | | 1 |
Remote access to Windows instances through RDP | Inbound | Allow | RDP (3389) | 3389/3389 | Address field access | | 1 |
Ping VM instances through the Internet | Inbound | Allow | ICMP | -1/-1 | Address field access or security group access | Set this parameter according to the authorization type | 1 |
Use a VM instance as a Web server | Inbound | Allow | HTTP (80) | 80/80 | Address field access | | 1 |
Upload or download files through FTP | Inbound | Allow | Custom TCP | 20/21 | Address field access | | 1 |
For security reasons, you're restricted to access to port 25 for email transmission by default. If you require continued access to port 25, you may submit a request to remove the restriction.
More Actions
Go to Security Group > Actions to do the following actions.
Edit Change inbound and outbound rules.
Associate Global VPC Deploy the security group on instances in the selected global VPC.
Dissociate all global VPCs first before deleting the security group.
Default security group cannot be deleted.
Last updated