Create a Security Group
You can set your security group rules for your instances on zenConsole to improve the network security. The security group applies to public network access to your instances.
Go to Security Group > Create Security Group.
Select a a global VPC that the security group will be deployed on.
Configure the inbound and outbound rules
Label your security group.
Commonly used port explanations are shown as follows:
Typical applications of commonly used ports are shown as follows:
For security reasons, you're restricted to access to port 25 for email transmission by default. If you require continued access to port 25, you may submit a request to remove the restriction.
More Actions
Go to Security Group > Actions to do the following actions.
Edit Change inbound and outbound rules.
Associate Global VPC Deploy the security group on instances in the selected global VPC.
Dissociate all global VPCs first before deleting the security group.
Default security group cannot be deleted.
Last updated