Create an Instance

You can create a new instance on the console.

Step 1 - Sign in and go to create

  1. Go to zenConsole and log in with your account.

  2. On the left menu bar, go to Compute > Virtual Machine > Virtual Machine Instance, and click Create Virtual Machine Instance

Step 2 - Basic configuration


Select the location where you need your instance.


Four types of specifications are supported: Memory-optimized (Dedicated vCPU), Compute-optimized (Dedicated vCPU), General-purpose (Dedicated vCPU) and Basic compute (Shared vCPU).

See Models for detailed information about all of these specifications.


Support CentOS, Ubuntu and Windows operating system.


  • System disk: the cloud storage space used to store operating system. System disk ranges from 1 GB to 100 GB, based on multiples of 20 GB.

  • Additional data disk: extra storage space added to instance. You can add 10 disks at most with one disk of a maximum size of 2 TB.


  • It is highly recommended to change your password immediately for security after receiving email notification with password.

  • The password must be 8 to 16 characters in length, containing all the following types: upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • Please remember your password and keep it safe.


Step 3 - Bandwidth, network and security group configuration

Bandwidth cap

Set the upper limit of the bandwidth for the public outbound network of your instance, that is the maximum rate at which your instance can transmit data to the public network.


Select existing networks and subnets or click Create New Network to create new ones.

  • Network A network can be a private IP network segment, and, and are supported. Instances in one network can communicate securely. You can create two networks in one location.

Security group

See Create a Security Group for more details about how to create security groups.

​​​​​​Step 4 - Check your order

Select the instance quantity you need on the lower left conner, check resource and price, check the permission, and click Create.

You can create 999 instances at most. If you need more, please issue a ticket on zenConsole or directly contact Zenlayer sales.

Last updated