Create a Route

Routes in global VPC determine how packets are directed within and outside the VPC, specifying which packets are sent to which destination. You can customize a static route and route the traffic to network interface.


  1. Select a global VPC that you want to associated with a static route.

  2. Set your destination address. The destination range is a single IPv4 or IPv6 range, and cannot exactly match or fit within an existing subnet route.

  3. Set your route's priority. The value ranges from 0 to 65535. The smaller the value, the higher the priority.

  4. Select a next hop instance or network interface. If you select your instance as the next hop, the packets will be sent to the primary vNIC of this instance.

  5. Label your route.

More Actions

You can delete your static route in Route > Actions.

Subnet route can only be auto deleted when related subnet is deleted.

Last updated