Create Cross-region Bandwidth

Cross-region bandwidth allows internal connection between regions in a global VPC. If you need to establish a internal network between different regions within a global VPC, you must purchase a cross-region bandwidth service.


By default, 10 Kbps free bandwidth is available for testing between regions in a global VPC.


  1. Go to Global VPC > Cross-region Bandwidth > Create Cross-region Bandwidth.

  2. Choose a global VPC that you want to establish internal network.

  3. Select your network billing model. Currently only Flat Rate is supported.

  4. Configure the bandwidth cap between region A and region Z. Select region A and region Z as the two regions you want to enable internal network communication between, and configure the bandwidth cap, whose value ranges from 1 Mbps to 200 Mbps.

  5. Label cross-region bandwidth.

  6. Check your order and confirm it.

More Actions

Go to Cross-region Bandwidth > Actions to change the bandwidth cap.

Last updated