Create an Account

Before enjoying Zenlayer cloud services, you need to sign up for an account first.


Step 1 - Go to zenConsole and click Sign Up.

Step 2 - Enter your account information

  1. Enter your email address to sign in to zenConsole and to receive notifications.

  2. Create and confirm your password.

  3. Enter your first and last name.

  4. Read through and review our policies.

  5. Click Continue to proceed to email verification.

Step 3 - Email verification

Enter the verification code you've received from us.


The code will only be valid for 24 hours, so please complete verification as soon as you can.

Step 4 - Complete billing information

  1. Choose Individual or Enterprise according to your account needs.

  2. Enter your billing information.

  3. Click Get Started to create your new account.


You can sign in to your account using your submitted email address and password.

Last updated