Delete Cloud Connects on Public Cloud

After you delete cloud connects on zenConsole, you should also go to corresponding public cloud consoles to delete connect to stop billing.


  1. Go to AWS Direct Connect console, and choose Connections.

  2. Select the connections and choose Delete.

See AWS Documentation for details.

Tencent Cloud

  1. Go to Tencent Direct Connect console, and choose Exclusive virtual interface.

  2. Select the dedicated tunnel and choose Delete.

See Tencent Cloud Documentation for details.

Google Cloud

  1. Go to Google Cloud console > Cloud Interconnect Physical connections

  2. Select the Dedicated Interconnect connection and choose Delete.

See Google Cloud Documentation for details.

Alibaba Cloud

  1. Go to AliCloud Express Connect console > Physical Connection.

  2. On the VBR tab, find the VBR that you want to delete. Click the icon and select Delete in the Actions column.

  3. On the Shared Physical Connection tab, find the shared port that you want to delete and click Delete in the Actions column.

See Alibaba Cloud Documentation for details.

Azure Cloud

Go to Azure Cloud console, right-click the peering and select Delete to delete the private peering.

See Azure Documentation for details.

Last updated