Set up Palworld Dedicated Server with Zenlayer Virtual Machine

Background Information

Palworld is a survival and crafting game where you can fight, farm, build and work alongside mysterious creatures called "Pals". This game offers an exciting multiplayer experience that can be enhanced by setting up a dedicated server. You can set up a Palworld dedicated server using Zenlayer's worldwide low-latency virtual machine.

For current list of promotional packages, please see here.


  • You have a zenConsole account. See Create an Account for more details.

  • All screenshots are for illustration only. The actual interface shall prevail.

  • The virtual machine name, IP addresses, login username and password are all for illustration only. Please provide correct information according to your actual situation.


Steps on zenConsole

  1. Go to zenConsole and click Get Promo.

  2. Select Location closest to you and click Deploy now.

  3. Keep the default settings, review the Summary and click Confirm Order.

  4. Wait for the virtual machine becoming Powered On. You'll receive an email containing public IP address, username and password. Copy the password.

  5. Press Win + r on your Windows computer and run mstsc command.

  6. In Remote Desktop Connection, enter the public IP address and click Connect.

  7. Enter the Username and paste the Password you have received in your email to remote access your virtual machine.

    Note You can also remote access via VNC. See Access a Virtual Machine via VNC for detailed steps.

  8. Double-click the Palworld game icon to run your virtual machine.

When you see the interface above, you can close the remote connection window and follow the Steps in Palworld as follows.


Palworld's designated port, UDP Port 8211, will be open by default to ensure optimal game server functionality.

Steps on Palworld

  1. Install Steam and sign in.

  2. Find Palworld and click PLAY.

  3. Click Join Multiplayer Game.

  4. Enter your own virtual machine IP address (here is in this demo) and click Connect to start gaming.


You have now hosted your dedicated server for Palworld with Zenlayer's virtual machine. Share the IP address to your friends and start your exciting multiplayer experience!

What to Do Next

Update Game Version

You can remote access your virtual machine and go to C:\steamcmd. Double-click 1.bat file to update Palworld game version.

Customize Game Configurations

You can also customize your game configurations.

  1. Remote access your virtual machine and go to C:\steamcmd\steamapps\common\PalServer\Pal\Saved\Config\WindowsServer.

  2. Modify the file and save the file.

  3. Restart your virtual machine to make the change take effect.

The parameter descriptions in the configuration file is as follows:

Last updated