
Elastic Compute resources are hosted in multiple locations worldwide. These locations are composed of Regions and Availability Zones. For example, the asia-southeast-1 (Hong Kong) region denotes a region on the south east of Asia that has following zone: asia-southeast-1a.


A Regions is a collection of Availability Zones. Elastic Compute instances can migrate across availability zones in the same region. You're recommended to deploy applications across multiple availability zones and multiple regions for redundancy.

Availability Zones

An Availability Zone is a designated deployment area within a specific Region. To decrease network latency, you might want to choose a zone that is close to your services.

Regional & Zonal Resources

Zonal resources, such as instances and disks, are deployed within a specific availability zone. In contrast, regional resources like elastic IPv4 addresses and subnets can be accessed across the entire region. Zonal resources are restricted to their respective zones, whereas regional resources are accessible by any resource within the region, regardless of the zone.

For example, to attach a zonal disk to an instance, both must be in the same zone. Similarly, to assign an elastic IPv4 address to an instance, both must be in the same region.

Available Regions and Availability Zones

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