Create a Subnet
You can create subnets to separate the network. Instances in different subnets of the same network can communicate securely.
You can create 3 subnets in one network. After creating a subnet, you can create an instance and attach it to the subnet.
Log in to zenConsole.
Go to Compute > Virtual Machine > Subnet and click Create Subnet.
Identify your subnet.
Note The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length, containing only letters, numbers, hyphens (-) and periods (.). It must start with a letter, but not http:// or https://.
Select the location you need your subnet.
Select the network you need to separate.
Configure the IP address of your subnet.
Click Create to create a subnet.
(Optional) Go to Action > Delete to delete the subnet if no instances added to it.
Last updated