Create a Subnet

Regional subnets allow you to customize subnet configurations within designated regions to help enhance your network architecture with precise control and improved efficiency.


Default subnet cannot be deleted.


  1. Go to Subnet > Create Subnet.

  2. Select the global VPC and the region that your subnet belongs to.

  3. Select the IP stack type of the subnet. IPv4 and IPv4 & IPv6 stack types are supported. Once created, the IP stack can only be changed from IPv4 to IPv4 & IPv6, not vice versa.

    • IPv4 Configure private IPv4 range of subnet.

    • IPv4 & IPv6 Configure the private IPv4 range and the IPv6 range of subnet. If the selected VPC support private IPv6 access, you can select both public and private IPv6 access type. An 'fdxxxxxx:xxxx::/64' network range will be allocated to you.

  4. Label your subnet.

More Actions

Go to Subnet > Actions to do the following actions.

  • Modify IPv4 Range When instances are added into the subnet, you cannot change the IPv4 range. Please remove the instance first and then modify the IP range. You can only change the IP range within the VPC range which the subnet belongs to.

  • Assign Private IPv4 Assign the private IPv4 addresses in the subnet to your desired instances.

  • Change IP Stack Type


The IP stack can only be changed from IPv4 to IPv4 & IPv6, not vice versa.

Last updated