Test Advertised IP Reachable or Not

After advertising your BYOIP, you can use BGP testing tools or traceroute/ping command to test if your IP addresses have been successfully advertised.

Here we use Zenlayer Route Explorer as an example to test advertised IP reachable or not.


Route Explorer
  1. On zenConsole Dashboard, go to Looking Glass > Route Explorer.

  2. Select the data center where your BYOIP is located from the dropdown list.

  3. Choose "BGP Route" as the test type.

  4. Enter your BYOIP address as the target IP address.

  5. Click Test.


Route Explorer will display the BGP routing information for your BYOIP. If the query results show that your IP address has a route, it means your IP address has been successfully advertised.


Suppose you have an ASN of 65000 and your BYOIP located in Los Angeles, USA is You want to use Zenlayer Route Explorer to check if your IP address has been successfully advertised.

Example of BGP Route Test
BGP routing table for
Network       Next Hop        AS Path     65000 21859

The query results show that your IP address has a route, with the next hop being and the AS path being 65000 21859. Here, 21859 is Zenlayer's ASN. This means your IP address has been successfully advertised to the Zenlayer network.

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