Click one domain name in the domain list.
Go to HTTPS > Change. You can modify the SSL certificate.

HSTS is a policy mechanism that allows websites to accept only HTTPS connections. Websites can use HSTS to demand that clients such as browsers must use HTTPS. All HTTP requests and untrusted SSL certificates are rejected. HSTS prevents man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks during the first visits from clients.If HSTS is disabled and HTTPS is enabled on CDN edge nodes, HTTP requests sent to the edge nodes are redirected to HTTPS when 301 redirection or 302 redirection is enabled. The first HTTP request sent from a client to an edge node may be hijacked or tampered with. Hijacking and tampering raise security issues. If HSTS is enabled, clients can access the origin server only over HTTPS. This prevents requests from hijacking and tampering.
Accelerated domain names that have SSL certificates configured. You can enable 301-redirect to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS.
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