
Zenlayer VPC routing includes two types of routes: subnet routes and static routes.

Subnet routes

Subnet routes are automatically generated for all subnets within the global VPC. For each subnet created in a global VPC, a corresponding subnet route is automatically generated.

  • Target IP range: corresponds to the IP range of the subnet;

  • Next hop type: sets to corresponding subnet;

  • Next hop ID: sets to corresponding subnet ID;

  • Region: is the name of the region where the subnet resides.

Subnet routes share the lifecycle of the subnet and cannot be deleted independently.

Static routes

Static routes are routes that you customize.

  • Target IP range: is user-defined but must not overlap or be more specific than any existing subnet route;

  • Next hop type: is currently limited to network interface;

  • Next hop ID: is the ID of corresponding network interface;

  • Region: is the name of the region where the network interface resides.

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