Create an Instance

Step 1 - Sign in

  1. Go to zenConsole and log in with your account.

  2. On the left menu bar, go to Products > Compute > Elastic Compute > Elastic Compute Instance, and click Create Elastic Compute Instance.

Step 2 - Basic Configuration

Pricing Model

Only Pay-as-you-go is supported currently.


Select the location where you need to deploy your instance according to your actual situation.

See Location for more details about supported regions and availability zones.


Different types of specifications are supported.

See Available Instance Size for detailed information about all of these specifications.

Operating System

Support Linux, BSD and Windows operating system.

See Available Operating System for detailed information about all supported operating systems.


  • Boot Disk: the storage space used to store operating system.

  • Disk: the additional storage space added to an instance. You can add 1 disk at most.

See Storage for more details about Boot Disk, Disk, and basic/standard NVMe SSD.


Support SSH Key Pair and the password set by yourself.

See Create an SSH Key Pair for more details.

QEMU Guest Agent

Installing the QEMU guest agent provides deeper insights into instance behavior.

See Install QEMU Guest Agent for more details.

Step 3 - Network Configuration

Network Interface (vNIC)

The vNIC for your Elastic Compute instance must be connected to a regional subnet under a Global VPC. If you don't specify the subnet, the default VPC and subnet are used.

See Global VPC & Regional Subnet and Managing Networking for more details.

Security Group

Security groups allow you to secure your instances by explicitly defining which type of traffic is allowed to reach them. The security group will be deployed on all instances under a selected global VPC network. A maximum of 400 rules are allowed in one security group.

See Security Group and Create a Security Group for more details.

IP Stack Type


IPv4 Network Stack is a network stack that exclusively supports IPv4. Your instances in this network are limited to using IPv4 addresses and protocols, constrained by the IPv4 address space.

IPv4 & IPv6

IPv4 & IPv6 Network Stack is a network stack that supports both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. Your instances in this network can handle and transmit both IP types of packets, facilitating the network transition from IPv4 to IPv6.


IPv6 Network Stack is a network stack that exclusively supports IPv6. Your instances in this network are limited to using IPv6 addresses and protocols, becoming more common as IPv4 addresses run out.

IP Address

  • Private IPv4 Your instance must have a private IPv4 that is auto-assigned or customized.

  • Public IPv4 You can select a default public IPv4 or temporarily not assign a public IPv4. Additional elastic IPv4 can be assigned afterward.

  • Private IPv6 If the connected subnet support private IPv6 access type, you will have a /96 private IPv6.

  • Public IPv6 If the connected subnet support public IPv6 access type, you will have a /96 public IPv6.

See IP Address and Manage Networking for more details.

Public Network Billing Method

Data Transfer and Regional Burstable 95th are supported.

Step 4 - Add-on Configuration

Quantity and Label Name

Select the quantity of instances and give your instances unique names to identify.

More Settings

Select OS time zone and resource group your instances belong to.

​​​Check Your Order

Check all your resources on the right and check the permission if nothing is wrong. Click Confirm Order to pay.

Last updated