Cloud Networking Billing

Cloud networking currently includes the following pricing items: port, cloud connect, virtual edge, private connect and cloud router.


  • Cloud networking resources are all pay-as-you-go resources charged by day, with a minimum of one day price. Please first see General Pricing Rules and General Lifecycle Rules to know about basic pricing ways of pay-as-you-go resources.

  • For cloud networking resources, the protection stage exists. If your account is overdue, your resources continue to be active during the protection stage; however, if you manually delete your pay-as-you-go resources, they will be unavailable and stored for 2 days only.

  • Cloud networking resources include the data center ports, cloud connect (AWS hosted connection), virtual edge, private connects and cloud routers.


  • See Concepts for more information about cloud networking resources.

  • The actual price varies in different locations and zones, therefore the price shown on the order page shall prevail.


Two types of port specifications are supported: 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps. Both are billed by day with the same price. For the port used for less than one day will be charged by one day price. You can see price details when placing the order on zenConsole.

Billing starts when one of the following conditions is met:

  • Since the port is activated for the first time. Once you ordered the port, the LOA (Letter of Authorization) will be sent to you within 2 to 3 days. With the LOA, you can establish the cross connect to your port. Once the cross connect is completed, the port's status will become active.

  • 15 days after the order is placed, regardless of whether the port is active or not.


You can only delete the port when:

  • the port is inactive;

  • the port is not any access point of private connects or cloud routers.

If you manually delete the port, your port will be stored for 2 days, during which you can restore the port manually.

Cloud Connect

The Cloud Connect is a connection between Zenlayer’s backbone network and a public cloud that has been established offline. The billing of Cloud Connect starts as soon as you accept the request on the corresponding public cloud console initiated by Zenlayer.

See Validate Connections in Public Cloud for detailed information.

Depends on the bandwidth size of the cloud connect, which is determined automatically according to the connection bandwidth of Layer 2 private connect network or the access bandwidth of Layer 3 Cloud Router's point.

For example, if your connection bandwidth is 80 Mbps, then your cloud connect will be 100 Mbps. You can see price details when placing the order on zenConsole.


The public cloud usually provides different access bandwidth specifications as follows. You will be charged for the nearest cap higher than your configuration as the cloud connect bandwidth.

  • AWS: 50 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 200 Mbps, 300 Mbps, 400 Mbps, 500 Mbps, 1 Gbps, 2 Gbps, 5 Gbps, and 10 Gbps.

  • Tencent Cloud: 50 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 200 Mbps, 300 Mbps, 400 Mbps, 500 Mbps, 1 Gbps, 2 Gbps, 5 Gbps, 8 Gbps, 10 Gbps, 40 Gbps, and 100 Gbps.

  • Google Cloud: 50 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 200 Mbps, 300 Mbps, 400 Mbps, 500 Mbps, 1 Gbps, 2 Gbps, 5 Gbps, 10 Gbps, 20 Gbps and 50 Gbps.


  • If you haven't accepted the connection request on public cloud console You can delete cloud connect directly on zenConsole.

  • If you have accepted the connection request on public cloud console You need to delete the connection on public cloud console after deleting the cloud connect on zenConsole to fully stop the billing on public cloud console.

Virtual Edge

The virtual edge quickly connects your office to Zenlayer backbone at a lower cost via an IPsec (Internet protocol security) tunnel. Virtual edge with high availability costs 1.5 times the price.

The price of virtual edge varies by locations and access bandwidth. You can see price details when placing the order on zenConsole.

Billing on virtual edge starts as soon as the it is created successfully.

Private Connect

Private Connect may involve the following billing items depending on the source and destination point you add:

  • Connection bandwidth: depending on your selected bandwidth cap and the locations of the two points. You can see specific price when placing the order on zenConsole.


The larger the bandwidth cap, the lower the unit price. You're recommended to set a bigger bandwidth cap.

Billing Start Time

Billing starts only when the private connect’s two access points are active and the entire network is activated.

  • Data center port connection: the port is active when the cross connect is established.

  • Public cloud connection: the cloud connect is active when you accept the request on corresponding public cloud console.


Except for the private connect in Deploying state, you can delete any private connect, and your private connect will be stored for 2 days, during which you can restore it manually.

You cannot delete any active access point in the private connect. Once you delete a private connect:

  • The associated data center port of your private connect will not be deleted synchronously and billing for port will continue until you delete it.

  • Billing for cloud connect by Zenlayer will stop synchronously. But the billing by public cloud will continue until you delete the connection on the corresponding public cloud console.

The change takes effect immediately and you can see the new price on zenConsole. The new fees will be charged in the next cycle, that is next day.

Cloud Router

Cloud router may involve the following billing items depending on the access points you add:

  • Cloud router network: depending on your selected access point and the locations of these points. You can see specific price when placing the order on zenConsole.

Billing Start Time

Billing on cloud router starts as soon as the it is created successfully.


Except for the cloud router in Deploying state, you can delete any cloud router, and your cloud route will be stored for 2 days, during which you can restore it manually.

If a cloud router has no less than 3 access points, you can remove one of these points.

  • If you remove a data center port from the cloud router, the port will not be deleted synchronously and billing for the port will continue until you delete it.

  • If you remove a cloud connect from the cloud router, the cloud connect will be released immediately and all data will be destroyed. But the billing by public cloud will continue until you delete the connection on the corresponding public cloud console.

  • If you remove a VPC or a virtual edge from the cloud router, the resources will be released immediately and all data will be destroyed.

The change takes effect immediately and you can see the new price on zenConsole. The new fees will be charged in the next cycle, that is next day.

Last updated