When should I consider hiding the origin server?

Hiding the origin server means that the CDN prevents the public from directly accessing the origin server (the server hosting the original content). Instead, all traffic is routed through the CDN, which acts as a protective layer.

  1. Preventing DDoS Attacks: If your website is a target for DDoS attacks, hiding the origin server can help prevent attackers from overwhelming it with traffic, as they cannot directly target the origin server’s IP.

  2. Improving Security: Hiding the origin server adds a layer of security by preventing unauthorized access, protecting sensitive data, and reducing the risk of hacking attempts.

  3. Ensuring High Availability: By routing all traffic through the CDN, you can ensure that users still receive content even if the origin server is temporarily unavailable. The CDN can serve cached content during such times.

  4. Reducing Server Load: If your website receives a lot of traffic, hiding the origin server ensures that the CDN handles most of the load, reducing the strain on the origin server.

By hiding the origin server, you enhance both the security and performance of your website, making it more resilient against attacks and traffic surges.

Last updated